Welcome to Our Community!

Now You Can Be Published &
Featured On Amazon with "The Community Book Project"

Join us as a contributor to a series of collaboration books that smiles at the little things in life, pays respect and homage to our personal heroes, and celebrates gratitude--every day of the year.


We'll guide you in writing a 200-word themed essay, review it to make sure it's ready for publishing and include you in our next edition that appears on Amazon in softcover and Kindle versions.

Plus, there are a whole lot of other benefits for being part of The Community Book Project.

Read on for more information and to hear from our contributors...or click the button below to be "first in line" to hear about how to be in our next project, Celebrating 365 Days of Gratitude (2024 edition)!

"What do you like best about being in The Community Book Project?"

(Click the video to find out!)

How It Works


You will receive info and support to write a compelling 200-word essay.


It will be reviewed and given the "ready for publishing" stamp of approval by the editor.


Your essay will be included in Kindle and softcover editions of the project on Amazon.


You will get promo images to use on Facebook where entries are featured every day of the year!

Personalized Promotional Items

Contributors to The Community Book Project will receive at least one personalized promo item with each edition that they can post on social media, use in emails, on their blog and more!

Here are some example of personalized promo items from our book with the theme of gratitude:

About Us

Each contributor has different reasons for joining -- and different reasons they are glad they did! Below are some video testimonials from participants in the 2021 edition of The Community Book Project: Celebrating 365 Days of Gratitude. (We are putting together our 2024 edition soon!)

Contributor Lisa Khera

Contributor Ginny Lang

Contributor Martin Salama

Contributor Dawn Eileen

Contributor Afolake Janet Oyelami

Contributor Warren Henderson

Contributor Abraham Ajenifuja

Contributor Carol Pena

Contributor Carol Brusegar

This is part of my mission to get you published!

I have a mission to get people published! I do this through my "In a Weekend" programs, including Write a Book in a Weekend and Kindle Book in a Weekend.

But what if you don't feel ready to write a whole book right now? What if you just want to be in a book? Or maybe you wrote your book and are looking to build your online platform to reach more readers.

That's where this comes in.

The Community Book Project is a fast and easy way to be published in a book on Amazon as you join our community of contributors. First, I set you up for success with a contributor guide with everything you need to know.

Then you are welcome to join our Writing Parties to get help in getting your 200-word (that's it!) essay done. Finally, we get it published and on Amazon and then have some fun promotion activities!

Come join us!

Donna Kozik

Donna Kozik, lead editor & USA Today & Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author

Want to hear more?